June 2020 – Whazzup at CRAVE Guitars

CRAVE (Cool & Rare American Vintage Electric) Guitars – Review of 2019 guitar, effect and amplifier additions

April 2020 – The Story of Modern Music in 1,500+ Facts – Part XIII

The thirteenth part of a series of articles charting 350+ years of development of modern music from the end of the Renaissance to the current day, told through more than 1,500 facts. This part focuses on famous quotes about music from music professionals.

February 2020 – The Story of Modern Music in 1,500+ Facts – Part XI

The eleventh part of a series of articles charting 350+ years of development of modern music from the end of the Renaissance to the current day, told through more than 1,500 facts. This part focuses on the 2010s.

January 2020 – The Story of Modern Music in 1,500+ Facts – Part X

The tenth part of a series of articles charting 350+ years of development of modern music from the end of the Renaissance to the current day, told through more than 1,500 facts. This part focuses on the 2000s.

December 2019 – Out With the Old, In With the Old

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A retrospective into CRAVE Guitars 2019 and a look forward to 2020.

November 2019 – The Story of Modern Music in 1,500+ Facts – Part IX

The ninth part of a series of articles charting 350+ years of development of modern music from the end of the Renaissance to the current day, told through more than 1,500 facts. This part focuses on the 1990s.

October 2019 – The Story of Modern Music in 1,500+ Facts – Part VIII

The eighth part of a series of articles charting 350 years of development of modern music from the end of the Renaissance to the current day, told through 1,500 plus facts. This part focuses on the 1980s.

September 2019 – The Story of Modern Music in 1,500+ Facts – Part VII

The seventh part of a series of articles charting 350 years of development of modern music from the end of the Renaissance to the current day, told through 1,500 plus facts. This part focuses on the 1970s.